How Can Music Influence Emotion?
To demonstrate the above question, I created a 20min micro teach for my peers to investigate how the above question can be answered. The session plan consisted of listening to a piece of music and tapping into their emotions. Resulting with a 3D piece of art based on the emotion felt whilst listening to the music. I wanted to y peers in mind frame creating based on their emotion, using sound as the object is perfect to provoke emotion. Creating can get really stressful, trying to create perfection. This session was created to allow the freedom to create without having the pressure to create some perfect.
It was really nice to see all the different interpretations of their emotions via a 3D piece of art. Some of the art pieces created were from paper origami to paper sculptures and mini dolls.
My peers really enjoyed my session and some were even inspired by the session and will be using it as inspiration. Some have also mentioned my session in their blogs expressing the inspiration and enjoyment.
Some of the feedback was it could be a great ice breaker for a teaching session. They enjoyed the music chosen and liked the element of producing a piece of art over a small amount of time. This gave a scenes of producing a non perfect piece, non perfect to perfection comes to mind.
One thing I could have done better was keep my camera on so my peers could see what I created and also conversate whilst creating, which would relax the environment.
Prior to my micro teaching session, as I haven’t started teaching yet my nerves were all over the place. I was struggling to come up with a session that would be fun and also have a learning aspect. Coming up with the session was inspired by a teaching session on object based learning. This session was really inspiring and the idea just developed.
Once I start teaching my own session, with all the amazing feedback and inspiring others. This has given me the confidence to want to explore further and continue to research education as the practice of freedom.
Frances Ross: Hi Simone, it's so lovely to read about your microteaching session as I wasn't part of your group – a…